Using NEUROCOACHING to achieve Self
The path for measurable, sustainable SELF CHANGE !
Become the person you want to be!!
is “new alliance” between neuroscience and psychotherapy that’s is
now taking place. We place our students at the forefront in the
coaching world marketplace by providing them with world-best-class,
cutting-edge, proven change models and tools.
The Courses cutting-edge, approach is
at the forefront of mainstream neuropsychological cognitive
You will acquire easy-to-use,
practical, neuropsychological tools that change and redirect the
client’s neural patterns to meet their learning and performance
Our very identity (the very essence of who we are) is
enmeshed in our brain’s neural circuits. When our mind changes, our brain changes, too. What flows through our
mind sculpts our brain. Thus, we can use our mind to change our
brain for the better--which will benefit our whole being, and
every other person whose life we touch.
In this course you will learn how to use the Institute's
proprietary Neuro Self Transformation
methodology (see below page*) to activate these brain
states, and rewire the brain --for greater performance, well-being,
fulfillment and inner peace.
Neuro Self Transformation
incorporates the principles of NeuroCoaching
-that involves helping people identify and manage their true self
and their positive behavioral drivers that; a) produce the most
effective results in either or both an organizational setting and
their personal life and, b) enhance their well-being. As a result,
clients become more knowledgeable about themselves and their world,
as well as become more successful, healthy, vital, adaptive and
The five primary influences incorporated in the NeuroCoaching
approach are:
1) Neuropsychology / Neuroscience -the study of the
relationship between behavior, emotion, and cognition on the one
hand, and brain function the other.
2) Emotion Focused Approach – how to become aware of and make
productive use of emotions that control how we think and our actions.
3) Evolutionary Psychology - explains mental and
psychological traits as the functional products of natural
4) Cognitive-Behavioral Approach -how to enhance thinking
skills, conceptual thinking and decision making e.g.;
5) Solution-Focused Approach - focusing on solutions not
problems e.g.; finding out what works and doing more of it and
stopping doing what doesn't work and doing something else.
Neuro Self Transformation is an integrative solution-oriented
approach to change primarily
based on advances and research in
the field of neuroscience.
Today, the fields of
neuroscience and quantum science allow us to go well beyond just a
cognitive approach (just changing how we think)! Traditionally
change agents take a costly, time intensive cognitive approach (via
training, coaching or therapy) that only provides limited results
(50% to 60% success rate even when delivered by qualified
Self-Transformational Models are experiential in nature and also
integrate components of:
Behavioral change therapy
Mindfulness based cognitive restructuring
Emotional realignment therapy
Neural shaping
Gestalt therapy
Transpersonal discovery
The Psychology of Selves
Positive Memory Reconstitution

And the following key psychological principles and techniques :
Self-actualization, Self-Concept, Self Esteem, Self Identity and
Working in the Conscious, Unconscious and Super Consciousness Zone,
Direct Visualization.
Brain's Limbic System
Harnessing the principle of neuroplasticity (the ability of the
brain to change itself) the course’s techniques and tools focuses on
accessing the subconscious mind and the limbic section of the brain
(emotion control centre) that is the critical link to the
brain-mind union and how we can affect neural changes.
The Vagus Nerve
Another key component is the vagus nerve (the longest cranial nerve)
which is the key to our well-being. The vagus nerve is a fibre
network that provides an interface between the brain and the gut
(our “second brain”). Students learn how to increase the 'vagal tone
index' that directly affects our psychological and physical
The targeted
behavioral intervention's objective is to have your client achieve
perceptual self-awareness and learn powerful, self-empowering,
brain-mind-body change techniques for enhanced productivity,
creativity, resilience, rejuvenation, health, happiness and well-being.
Brain plasticity
Today's behavioral science confirms that you can change your brain to
become who you want to be.
The belief that we are the same one moment to the next, or one year
to the next, is a delusion. Neuroscience shows us that the brain and
body is constantly in flux and that there is no unchanging, fixed
SELF. The ongoing breakthrough research in neuroscience provides us
a blueprint how to teach people to easily access and exchange their
primary behavioral drivers to obtain more sustainable, favorable
Self-perspective –through
Self-exploration and Self-discovery -leading to Self Integration.
Achieving Self-Awareness.
Some of the basic components in the
Change Models that allow people to exchange
behavior patterns / modify their actions to develop themselves are:
Multiple Selves, Reframing, Directed Visualization, Self-Dialogue,
Advanced Role-Playing, Mindfulness and the use of key Emotions –with
the following key psychological principles: Self-Concept, Self
Esteem, Self Identity and Working in the Conscious, Unconscious and
SubConscious Zone etc.
Recent research in neuroscience has provided insights into the
cognitive basis of these components.
The Models
are all about discovering our true potential. A
potential we may never possibly achieve, if we were not able to
communicate with our SubConscious -to discover the ‘You’ that we were always
meant to be.
The Proprietary
NeuroCoaching Change Models
(developed and copyrighted
by Dr. Zeus -Institute's Founder -see below page) are used by
100's of our Corporate, Government,
Institutional and Educational clients around the world who are generating measurable, quick
Some key aspects of the
NeuroCoaching Model:
The ‘secret of our life’ and purpose
of being -In Search of our True Self.
The "True" Self is the final level of awareness, it is peaceful,
harmonious, and averse of dominating emotion.
Repatterning of neural pathways is executed by way of
supportive feedback in a calm, relaxed
physical and mental state.
By using Neurocoaching the client is not only shown how to restore the
function of the prefrontal cortex during the change process but also
empowered to self-coach so they don’t elicit unhelpful
actions or habits. If people are not aware of
their impulses then they can’t subjectively or cognitively control
the them. Hence why a mindfulness component
of the Models helps them identify their impulses.
We cannot locate the source of our
self as our brain does not have a specific location associated with
the self. It is simply the height of emotional sensitivity or
state of mindfulness where one is aware of what is happening as
opposed to letting things dwell in the semi-consciousness as
emotions driving behavior. Gaining Awareness allows us to
see our environment without the baggage of assumptions, heuristics,
and other cognitive biases. We can see what is actually in front of
us and make clear decisions without unbiased perception that brings
us closer to fulfilling our potential and purpose of being.
Fulfilling our potential
-through NOT changing ourselves -but rather, to achieve the best
outcome required today, Exchanging Default
Behavioral Drivers with Misplaced Drivers that have worked well our
in the past ..
Through achieving authenticity by aligning our behavior with our
vision of a successful outcome/future, we can permanently change our
existing relationship to ourselves and satisfy a host of deeper needs.
All behavior models involve processes,
most of them unconscious. NeuroCoaching also helps clients
understand the unconscious processes that combine to form particular behaviors. Once you and your client know exactly how and why they
behave or feel certain ways in certain situations you can help them
exchange relevant behavioral drivers so they can feel and act in a
more positive and controlled way to produce desired outcomes.
The Courses Interventions are designed to open “windows of
plasticity” and target specific domains of the brain’s structure and
reset them to form greater connectivity, oversight and direct their
function towards better performance.
A key part of our approach is also about teaching your clients how
to regularly practice experiential mental exercises which help boost
their endorphin levels that stimulate and balance their Immune
system and promote the repair of cells and tissues to build a
healthier, stronger younger version of their brain.
The objective of the targeted
interventions is to have your client achieve perceptual
self-awareness and learn powerful, self-empowering, brain-mind
change techniques to meet their Need Goals.
You will be taught easy-to-use, practical,
self-empowering neuropsychological techniques to give to your
clients (to practice once a day for 15 mins) that change and
redirect associated neural patterns.
The Limbic System and the Vagus Nerve are the key components of the
bodies neurocircuity.
Course Methodology
Clinic's proprietary Neuro Xperiential X-ercises ™ -for the Brain
and Mind.
Utilizing Neuro Metacognition X-ercises ™
(Deep level / subconscious Metacognition Role-playing incorporating
Direct Visualization, Self-Dialogue, Positive Memory Reconstitution
and Mindfulness)
Harnessing the power of your client’s Brain and Mind
to effect sustainable changes.
The process of developing deep, self-awareness and learning from
one’s past, present, and future.
The ability to self-assess and self-change.
The Tools / Our Clinic's Xperiential X-ercises:
Students learn how to train their client’s brain (in easy to follow
steps) via deep level (subconscious) Metacognition Role-playing
skills training that facilitates and encourages neural plasticity in
the brain. The easy-to-learn methodology combines the latest
Neurofeedback technology and Neuro Behavioral Change Methodology.
Other Benefits
Among other things, the courses tools and techniques help improve
mental and physical performance, IQ and EQ, intuition, stamina,
creativity, relationship satisfaction, health and happiness. |